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Choose the odd one out and write the category of the remaining terms :

  1. Pepsin, Trypsin, Steapsin, Erepsin
  2. Lactase, Peptidase, Invertase, Maltase
  3. Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Starch
  4. Ileum, Colon, Duodenum, Jejunum
  5. Palate, Crown, Root, Neck

Digestive System



  1. Steapsin is odd one out. Remaining terms (Pepsin, Trypsin and Erepsin) are protein digesting enzymes.
  2. Peptidase is odd one out. Lactase, Invertase and Maltase are sugar digesting enzymes.
  3. Starch is odd one out. Glucose, Fructose and Galactose are simple sugar.
  4. Colon is odd one out. Ileum, Duodenum and Jejunum are parts of small intestine.
  5. Palate is odd one out. Crown, Root and Neck are parts of teeth.

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