Computer Science

Carefully go through the code given below and answer the questions based on it :

testStr = "abcdefghi"                    
inputStr = input ("Enter integer:")      
inputlnt = int(inputStr)                 
count = 2                                
newStr = ''                               
while count <= inputlnt :                
    newStr = newStr + testStr[0 : count]
    testStr = testStr[2:]      #Line 1   
    count = count + 1                    
print (newStr)                 # Line 2
print (testStr)                # Line 3  
print (count)                  # Line 4  
print (inputlnt)               # Line 5  

Given the input integer 3, what output is produced by Line 5?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. None of these

Python String Manipulation



Option 4 — 3


The input is converted from string to integer and after that its value is unchanged in the code so line 5 prints the input integer 3.

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