By reducing the amplitude of the sound wave, its :
- pitch decreases
- loudness decreases
- loudness increases
- pitch increases
loudness decreases
Reason — Loudness is proportional to the square of the amplitude i.e.,
Loudness ∝ (amplitude) 2
So, when a body vibrates with a lesser amplitude, it sends forth a smaller amount of energy.
Hence, the energy received by the ear drum is also small, so the loudness of the sound decreases.
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The intensity of a sound wave in air is proportional to the:
- square of amplitude of vibrations
- square of frequency of vibrations
- density of air
- all of the above
For normal ears, sensitivity is maximum at the frequency :
- 5 kHz
- 10 kHz
- 1 kHz
- 500 Hz
The relationship between loudness L and intensity I is given as:
- L = k log10 I
- L = k loge I
- L = k/log10 I
- none of the above
1 dB is defined as the increase in the level of loudness when the intensity of the sound increases by :
- 20%
- 25%
- 26%
- 10%