Bituminous coal is also known as …………… .
- coking coal
- Peat
- Steam oven
- Gas stove
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Coal is a …………… solid stratified rock of organic and mineral matter.
- combustible
- non-combustible
- renewable
- None of the above.
…………… coal has …………… per cent of carbon content and is the most preferred variety of coal.
- Lignite, 40
- Peat, 50
- Anthracite, 90
- Bituminous, 80
Anthracite is ideal for domestic use as it is smokeless and has high …………… value.
- industrial
- calorific
- volatile
- demand
…………… is also known as brown coal and is lower grade coal.
- Peat
- Lignite
- Anthracite
- Bituminous