Arrange the α, β, and γ radiation in ascending order of their biological damage. Give reason.
α < β < γ
An α-particle rapidly dissipates it's energy as it moves through a medium and therefore it's penetrating power is quite small. It can penetrate only through 3-8 cm in air. It can easily be stopped by a thin card sheet or a thick paper. As it is least penetrating so it causes least biological damage.
The penetrating power of β-particles is more than that of the α-particles but less than that of γ-particles. They can travel through nearly 5 m in air and pass through thin card sheet, and even through thin aluminium foil, but a 5 mm thick aluminium sheet can stop the beta particles. As the penetrating power is in between α and γ, hence the biological damage cause by β radiation is also in between α and γ.
The penetrating power of γ-rays is high. It is about (100,00) times that of α-particles and (100) times that of β-particles. They can pass through 500 m in air or through 30 cm thick sheet of iron. A thick sheet of lead is required to stop them. As penetrating power is most hence biological damage caused by γ-rays is most.
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