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Answer the following questions:

(i) Name the types of teeth present in humans.

(ii) How is the small intestine best suited for the digestion and absorption of food?

(iii) What do you mean by absorption of food?

Digestive System



(i) Four types of teeth present in humans are:

  1. Incisors
  2. Canines
  3. Premolars
  4. Molars

(ii) Small intestine is a long coiled tube of about 7 metres. The food remains in it for about 3-5 hours for digestion and absorption. Small intestine has Duodenum and Ileum. Duodenum receives bile from liver and pancreatic juice from pancreas that help in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Semi-digested food is completely digested in the Ileum by the intestinal juices secreted by the intestinal glands present in the inner lining of Ileum. Villi are tiny finger-like projections present in the inner lining of the small intestine that greatly increase the inner surface area for absorption of the digested food. They absorb the amino acids and glucose. Vitamins and minerals salts are mostly soluble in water and are directly absorbed through the walls of the intestine.

(iii) Absorption of food means passing the digested food into the blood system and lymph vessels to be supplied to the rest of the body. Major portion of the digested food is absorbed by the villi present in the small intestine. It absorbs the amino acids and glucose to pass them into the blood system, whereas the fatty acids pass into the lymph vessels. Vitamins and minerals are soluble in water and are mostly absorbed through the walls of the intestine.

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