An alkaline earth metal.
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Lead
- Copper
Reason — It belongs to the group II A of the periodic table, hence it is an alkaline earth metal.
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Match the properties and uses of alloys in List 1 with the appropriate answer from List 2.
List 1:
- The alloy contains Cu and Zn, is hard and is used in decorative articles.
- It is stronger than Aluminium, light and is used in making light tools.
- It is lustrous, hard, corrosion resistant and used in surgical instruments.
- Tin lowers the melting point of the alloy and is used for soldering purpose.
- The alloy is hard, brittle, takes up polish and is used for making statues.
List 2 :
(A) Duralumin
(B) Brass
(C) Bronze
(D) Stainless steel
(E) Solder