A vessel contains X number of molecules of H2 gas at a certain temperature & pressure. Under the same conditions of temperature & pressure, how many molecules of N2 gas would be present in the same vessel.
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The gas law which relates the volume of a gas to the number of molecules of the gas is :
- Avogadro's Law
- Gay-Lussac's Law
- Boyle's Law
- Charles' Law
Correct the following — Equal masses of all gases under identical conditions contain the same number of molecules.
A gas cylinder can hold 1 kg. of H2 at room temp. & press. :
(i) Find the number of moles of hydrogen present.
(ii) What weight of CO2 can the cylinder hold under similar conditions to temp. & press.
(iii) If the number of molecules of hydrogen in the cylinder is X, calculate the number of CO2 molecules in the cylinder under the same conditions of temp. & press.
(iv) State the law that helped you to arrive at the above result.
[H = 1, C = 12, O = 16]
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