A substance 'A' was heated with slaked lime and a gas 'B' with a pungent smell was obtained. Name the substances A and B and give a balanced equation.
Related Questions
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the lab preparation of ammonia.
(b) How is ammonia dried and collected in the laboratory?
(c) Ammonia cannot be collected over water. Give reason.
(a) Explain with a diagram the preparation of aqueous ammonia.
(b) Why drying agents such as P2O5 and CaCl2 are not used to dry NH3 ?
Ammonia is manufactured by Haber's process —
(a) Under what conditions do the reactants combine to form ammonia? Give a balanced equation for the reaction.
(b) In what ratio by volume, are the above gases used?
(c) State one possible source of each reactant used in Haber Process.
(d) State whether the formation of ammonia is promoted by the use of high pressure or low pressure?
(e) Mention two possible ways by which ammonia produced is removed from unchanged gases.
(f) What is the function of
(i) finely divided iron,
(ii) molybdenum
in the above process?
(g) What is the percentage formation of ammonia?
(h) How can this percentage formation be increased?
Give reason —
Ammonium compounds does not occur in minerals.