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A student, took four metals P, Q, R and S and carried out different experiments to study the properties of metals. Some of the observations were :

  • All metals could not be cut with a knife except metal R.
  • Metal P combined with oxygen to form an oxide M2O3 which reacted with both acids and bases.
  • Reaction with water.
    • P – Did not react either with cold or hot water but reacted with steam
    • Q – Reacted with hot water and the metal started floating
    • R – Reacted violently with cold water.
    • S – Did not react with water at all

Based on the above observations answer the following:

Out of the given metals, the one which needs to be stored under Kerosene is

  1. P
  2. R
  3. S
  4. Q

Metals & Non-Metals




Reason — R reacts vigorously and catches fire when kept in open, hence it needs to be stored in kerosene oil. Example : sodium and potassium

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