A saturated organic compound 'A' belongs to the homologous series of alcohols.
On heating 'A' with concentrated sulphuric acid at 443 K, it forms an unsaturated compound 'B' with molecular mass 28 u.
The compound 'B' on addition of one mole of hydrogen in the presence of Nickel, changes to a saturated hydrocarbon 'C'.
(i) Identify A, B and C.
(ii) Write the chemical equations showing the conversion of A into B.
(iii) What happens when compound C undergoes combustion ?
(iv) State one industrial application of hydrogenation reaction.
(v) Name the products formed when compound A reacts with sodium.
Organic Chemistry
(i) Compounds A, B and C are:
A → Ethanol
B → Ethene
C → Ethane
CH2=CH2 + H2 CH3-CH3
(ii) C2H5OH CH2=CH2
(iii) When ethane undergoes combustion, carbon dioxide is produced along with water and heat.
2C2H6 + 7O2 ⟶ 4CO2 + 6H2O + Heat
(iv) In industry, hydrogenation reaction is used for preparing vegetable ghee from vegetable oils
(v) Sodium ethoxide and Hydrogen
2Na + 2C2H5OH ⟶ 2C2H5ONa + H2
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