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A radioactive source emits three types of radiations.

(a) Name the three radiations.

(b) Name the radiations which are deflected by the electric field.

(c) Name the radiation which is most penetrating.

(d) Name the radiation which travels with the speed of light.

(e) Name the radiation which has the highest ionizing power.

(f) Name the radiation consisting of the same kind of particles as the cathode rays.




(a) The three types of radiations are α, β and γ .

(b) The radiations which are deflected by the electric field are α and β radiations.

(c) The most penetrating radiations is γ radiations.

(d) The radiation which travels with the speed of light is γ radiation.

(e) The radiation which has the highest ionizing power is α radiations.

(f) The radiations consisting of the same kind of particles as the cathode rays are β radiations.

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